Monday, October 6, 2008

Week Three- Things Explored

I've begun checking things off my list. Thing 1 and thing 2 (here's to Dr. Seuss) have been accomplished. Ditto thing 3 and 4. (although I'm still figuring out how to properly display my avatar). Thing 5 and 6- done. So on to thing 7- a blog about something technology related. Hmmm... Well, I recently acquired an iPod. It's loaded with some great music. But it has a mind of its own and I haven't quite figured out how to make it play the songs I want. I think I'd like to download a book on tape and some new music. Apparently I'm unable to load new items onto the iPod without losing the old. A bit of a dilemma. Still I'm having fun with it and can see why so many people enjoy having them. My next technological challenge is loading some computer files onto our new external hard drive. I'm sure it's not difficult- it just takes time to figure out the process. Time- such a precious commodity in our busy lives. I'll be spending more time indoors now that the cold weather has arrived. Only the beets and carrots remain to be harvested. Then I'll put the garden to bed until next spring.

1 comment:

Raven About Web 2.0 Team said...

I love your avatar....very you :-)

I hear you about the ipod. You probably have it set to replace instead of Synch (I learned that the hard way ) I have a little book about the ipod at home that I am done with. i will try to remember to send it your way.
